V2P coaching methodology
Coaching exists to serve the leaders of today and tomorrow by enhancing their awareness, competence and confidence in the work they do. Charmaine and her network of Coaches bring passion, skill, and proven performance to support clients to discover and execute their competitive edge. Whether your need is for individual or team coaching or coaching training workshops, V2P can help!
Percentage of enhanced improvement as commissioned by the International Coach Federation (ICF) and independently conducted by Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC).
What is coaching?
Professional coaching is an ongoing
professional relationship that helps people produce extraordinary results in their lives, careers and businesses, or organizations. Through the process of coaching, clients deepen their learning, improve their performance, and enhance the quality of their life.

About the process

In each meeting, the client chooses the focus of conversation, while the Coach listens and contributes observations and questions. This interaction creates clarity and moves the client into action. Coaching accelerates the client’s progress by providing greater focus and awareness of choice. Coaching concentrates on where clients are now and what they are willing to do to get where they want to be in the future.
Appreciative Coaching Model
Based on the Appreciative Coaching Model, our goal is to enable you to increase effectiveness and to reach your goals. Whether you are already in a role or in transition, this Appreciative Coaching Model provides direction for the flow and approach of the coaching.
The four stages, Discovery – Dream – Design – Destiny, can be used like stepping stones and be customized to meet the client’s needs.
Return on Investment
The return on investment and value from the coaching engagement is measured by the effort the client puts into accomplishing desired goals. Other factors like elements in the “system” that may be holding the client back from reaching his/her goals are taken into consideration when evaluating value received from coaching and suggestions to take a non-vacuum approach to address other factors will be offered when necessary.
Everyone progresses at different paces. Which is why, effort and progress are key to measuring expectations and results. Often the most important work on development areas happens outside of the formal coaching sessions.
How coaching works
Coaching is a distinct profession, even though coaching shares similar attributes to consulting and therapy. According to the Harvard Business Review, “What can coaches do for you?”, coaching’s main area of focus is on the future and individual performance in business contexts. The aim is to help individuals find their own way and to explore the best options for future action.
Coaching focuses on what’s possible, what an ideal solution looks like, and what you want to do to get there. Coaching does not focus on the past, give you the answers, strive for objectivity, or is based on medical ethics.
As today’s business climate becomes more complex, there is a growing need for coaches to support leaders in navigating their next best move. The best coaching relationship happens when two people – who are creative, resourceful and whole sitting – sit at the table together.
Some examples of the kind of wonderful work that keeps us busy and happy.

Team Effectiveness Workshops
V2P believes change rarely happens in a vacuumed approach. Powerful things happen when people come together to get truths on the table to see the world from one another's perspective. Approach: V2P Team Effectiveness workshops engage team members in a fun, engaging and respectful way. The approach depends on the clients needs. Some examples include:
- using insights from feedback reports (ex. MBTI) as a starting point to reveal blind spots and opportunities;
- strategic planning including vision, values and action planning
- accountability groups to hold people to their commitments to action;
- team coaching dialogues using relationship focused, systems-based techniques
- reveal individual working styles and perspectives with the intent to increase communications, collaboration and relationships
- increased relationships are proven to have a positive impact on employee engagement and loyalty
- effective teaming leads to increased focus on strategic vision and goals, often resulting in improved business results
- managers gain time back in their day due to less time spent dealing with team issues.

Culture change to increase employee and consumer loyalty
Charmaine works with business owners and their teams to create positive and memorable experiences for both team members and customers. This is achieved through a year-long commitment that starts with a coaching agreement outlining key areas of focus and a clear picture of what success will look like. This evidenced-based approach includes:
- employee/team engagement surveys that are done to get a picture of strengths and development areas in the organization and with individual managers;
- mystery shops
- customer metrics to see the customer perspective
- individual manager and team coaching monthly or bi-monthly conducted in-person or virtually by phone or video meeting.

Accountability-Based Team Coaching
Charmaine works with teams to drive the change they want and need to see happen. Together as a team, we get clear on what needs to change and how then work to make this change happen. Change is simple, not easy. An accountability framework at the peer, manager and coach levels is at the core of V2P team coaching engagements. V2P approach
- can be peer based, cross-department or with in-tact teams; virtually or in-person
- focused on a problem or opportunity the team can work on together
- aims to respectfully challenge and stretch team members limits they think they can reach
- monitor progress and celebrate successes together
- increased trust and respect
- improved communications and relationships
- clarity of vision and goals and tracking to achieve
- overall change in behaviours of team members ripples out to others in the organization.

Leadership Coaching From The Inside-Out
V2P has a distinct methodology to how leadership coaching is conducted; it’s evidence-based, starts from the inside-out, involves others than just the leader being coached and has a strong accountability element. Evidence-based: To set the direction for the coaching, it's essential for the client to receive feedback and insights on strengths and development areas. This feedback is gathered via a reputable self or 360 assessment tool or interviews with client's boss, peers and direct reports. Starts from the inside-out: Change needs to start within before changing things outside one's control. Often these areas of change are blind spots for clients; this is where a Coach provide valuable, honest insights and perspectives. Non-vacuum approach: Lasting change rarely occurs with just the actions and behaviour change of one person. V2P takes a systems approach to look at the whole ecosystem at the individual, team and organizational level and at external factors. Accountability: Behavioural, skill and habitual change is simple, not easy. The brain thrives for goals and being held to commitments. This is the core of coaching - goals are set, progress is monitored, celebration occurs when goals are achieved.

Coaching Training For People Who Don’t Coach For A Living
V2P designed, developed and delivered a 1-day coaching training for leaders in leading firm in India to improve their coaching confidence, competence and mindset. The audience were professionals at the leader level who are experts in their fields and were keen to increase their coaching skills to engage and inspire team members to be the best they can be. In a previous role, Charmaine was the National Coaching Leader in Canada where she had responsibility for developing coaching skills of staff nation-wide to influence a culture of coaching.

Transitioning new leaders into new role
This project is Canadian based and is focused on supporting the transition of new leaders/owners into their new leadership role. Charmaine is a member of the Executive Coaching Faculty and is inspired and committed to helping these new leaders maintain personal balance while getting off on the right foot in their new role.