Are you ….

Here is an example of the V2P coaching framework for a six-month coaching program

- 3-way meeting with coachee and reporting leader:
Each coaching engagement starts with a detailed “Coaching Discovery” to gather evidence and input from various sources as to the strengths and development areas of the coachee. This non-vacuumed approach helps the coachee, coach and other stakeholders all get onboard and clear about the purpose and desired expectations of the coaching. - Evidenced-based approach:
Observation and feedback of coachee by either a 360, self-assessment or by coach to provide direct feedback is conducted to “hold the mirror” for blind spots and areas of change. - One-on-one coaching:
Dream then Destiny dialogue about what desired success would look like by the end of the coaching engagement. Timely, trusted transparent conversations occur to keep the coachee motivated and to stay true to the course. - Accountability framework:
Regular check-in and monitoring by coachee, coach and other stakeholders mid progress to make alignment to coaching goals or approach where necessary. - Transformation:
Opportunities to stretch, grow and change behaviours, competence and confidence in-between meetings. A focus is on self-reflection and homework to keep momentum going. - Celebrate successes:
Take time to recognize growth and anchor in learnings. Recharge to reset to prepare to start focusing on next goal.
Some examples of the kind of wonderful work that keeps us busy and happy.

Leadership Coaching From The Inside-Out
V2P has a distinct methodology to how leadership coaching is conducted; it’s evidence-based, starts from the inside-out, involves others than just the leader being coached and has a strong accountability element. Evidence-based: To set the direction for the coaching, it's essential for the client to receive feedback and insights on strengths and development areas. This feedback is gathered via a reputable self or 360 assessment tool or interviews with client's boss, peers and direct reports. Starts from the inside-out: Change needs to start within before changing things outside one's control. Often these areas of change are blind spots for clients; this is where a Coach provide valuable, honest insights and perspectives. Non-vacuum approach: Lasting change rarely occurs with just the actions and behaviour change of one person. V2P takes a systems approach to look at the whole ecosystem at the individual, team and organizational level and at external factors. Accountability: Behavioural, skill and habitual change is simple, not easy. The brain thrives for goals and being held to commitments. This is the core of coaching - goals are set, progress is monitored, celebration occurs when goals are achieved.

Transitioning new leaders into new role
This project is Canadian based and is focused on supporting the transition of new leaders/owners into their new leadership role. Charmaine is a member of the Executive Coaching Faculty and is inspired and committed to helping these new leaders maintain personal balance while getting off on the right foot in their new role.